Periodontal disease is similar to other chronic diseases, such as diabetes. The key to controlling periodontal disease is early diagnosis and treatment, followed by prompt, ongoing care. This entails supportive periodontal maintenance therapy.

Supportive Periodontal Therapy (SPT) helps to gain control of the periodontal disease and increases your chances of keeping your teeth. If bacterial plaque is not removed every 2 to 4 months, periodontal bacteria can grow to a point where bone loss starts to occur again. This is why regular periodontal cleanings are very important to keep your gums and jaw bone healthy. Dr. Lear will recommend the optimal supportive periodontal maintenance care for you.

Your supportive periodontal maintenance therapy visit will include:

  • An update of your medical and dental history
  • A periodontal examination and measurement of your periodontal pockets
  • An oral cancer screening exam
  • Tooth root cleaning: removal of bacterial plaque and calculus (tartar) above and below the gumline
  • Oral hygiene assessment and instructions
  • Examination of your teeth and existing restorations for decay or other dental problems
  • Radiographs when indicated to evaluate your teeth and bone

To prevent re-infection and avoid more involved periodontal treatment, it is quite important that you follow the periodontal maintenance program recommended by Dr. Lear. On-going SPT treatments in our office will ensure your optimum oral health and highest possible care.

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